Installation - When is then? - 2005 -
A multimedia installation
One poem; ten text-reliefs, one video. The music: a quadraphonic, psychedelic soundscape. The video: Cloud images filmed in fast motion, changes that are otherwise incidental are perceived, and a contemplative atmosphere is created that supports the sense of personal perception of time. Survival or evolution, future or transience is thematized. A poetic journey through the personal space of the psyche. The text is spoken or sung in English and German.
When is then ? Wann ist irgendwann? Today, heute, yesterday, yesterday, someday?
Tomorrow, today, yesterday, someday?
365 days slip and slide, slip and slide.
Go with the flow, es geht vorbei ,you do what you have to do, and you do it , do it!
Some things take time, some things need time, and quite often it requires a lifetime, ein lebenlang, a lifetime! Reality has many faces, faces you don`t always recognize, faces you don`t always recognize.
Nothing stays the same, decisions can`t wait, decisions can`t wait!
Passion a vision, schmerz, schmerz, and a little pain. Living in here
and now, living in here and now, wherever that is, jetzt, wherever that is.
Gestern, heute,jetzt. Yesterday is`nt today, today isn`t tomorrow, and this could be then. Dolores Flores 2005 ©