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Dolores Flores - Contemporary Art -

The work of the interdisciplinary working artist includes sculptural audio-visual room installation, luminous objects, sculptures, text reliefs, video works and vocal / guitar performance. Regardless of the chosen medium, the primary component in all the works is the narrative and contemplative aspect.

Her works have been presented internationally at galleries, project spaces, festivals, museums and institutions.  

dolores flores installationen

In the deep under the sea

In the deep under the sea

In the deep under the sea

In the deep under the sea

Installationen | Upload - download - overload

Dolores Flores Upload - Download - Overload 2007

Eine audio-visuelle Rauminstallation zu den Themen Globalisierung, mediale Überflutung und steigende Population.
Ökologische und soziale Probleme wiederholen sich in immer kürzeren Abständen. Die Konsumgesellschaft herrscht über die Welt und schafft eine fröhliche Machtlosigkeit bei der Selbstvernichtung.

The “beer people” were created in the year 1993, in an old Berliner beer “Kneipe”.

Made out of the paper ring that is attached to the bot tom of a fresh tapped pilsner beer glass, to absorb the foam drippings. This paper ring was the inspiration behind the making of the “beer people”.
Each figure is a unikat, torn, ripped and folded.